Candace Guidance Signage Ltd. was founded in 2001 with core business in sales and installation of carpets and tactile markers.
Candace is the distributor in Hong Kong for ‘SINCOL’, which is one of the largest interior product manufacturers in Japan. ‘SINCOL’ products includes Carpet sheets, tiles; Vinyl sheets, tiles, nosing, and window covering.
Candace represent “CANDACE HB” and KD KANDASU Tactile Dome, Floor Materials and Nonslip Materials in Hong Kong. For the product of Stainless Steel and PVC Tactile Indicators.
Candace has been successfully completed many major projects in Hong Kong such as Government Headquarters, Government Schools, Universities, MTRC/KCRC Rail Stations, Science Parks, Cyber Ports, Disneyland, Sky Plaza and Asia World EXPO Exhibition Centre, Hong Kong Hignway Department, etc.
Candace specializes in quality floor products and provides professional services to fulfill the needs and requirements of our customers.
Product Name: Tactile Indicator, Tactile Warning Strip, Tactile Guidance Path, Rubber Tactile, Homogeneous Tactile, Brass Tactile, Bronze Tactile.
加藍誘導標示有限公司(Candace) 在2001年成立,主要業務為銷售及安裝盲人釘,地毯和膠地板。Candace 是新科(SINCOL) 的經銷商,其產品包括地毯丶膠地蓆丶膠地板丶膠/鋁級咀。同時代理CANDACE HB以及KD KANDASU,經銷KD視障引路徑標示/盲道釘丶防滑物料,主要銷售不銹鋼及PVC 視障引路徑標示/盲道釘
產品名稱: 盲人觸覺引路帶, 盲道釘, 導盲釘, 不鏽鋼盲人觸覺警示丶方向丶位置, 盲人警示磚, 導盲磚, 盲人引路徑, 盲人導向磚, 盲人凸字牌, 盲道磚。
Candace Guidance Signage Ltd.
Unit C, 18/F, Seabright Plaza, 9-23 Shell Street, North Point, Hong Kong 香港北角蜆殼街9-23號秀明中心18樓C室
Tel: (852) 2861 1151
Fax: (852) 2802 9066
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